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Netflix Is Putting An End To Password Sharing In 2023

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Well, the end of an era has come.

For years we have been passing Netflix passwords around like candy, free for all to use.


But, the days of free Network password sharing are about to come to an end.

Netflix has announced that they will put an end to password sharing in 2023.

We’ve landed on a thoughtful approach to monetize account sharing and we’ll begin rolling this out more broadly starting in early 2023.


Now, we aren’t exactly sure of the logistics here. I mean, are they going to look at IP addresses? Location of users?

That would be difficult, since the phone app allows you to watch Netflix pretty much everywhere.

Netflix App

After listening to consumer feedback, we are going to offer the ability for borrowers to transfer their Netflix profile into their own account, and for sharers to manage their devices more easily and to create sub-accounts (‘extra member’), if they want to pay for family or friends. In countries with our lower-priced ad-supported plan, we expect the profile transfer option for borrowers to be especially popular.


It kind of all boils down to money.

According to ComicBook.com, “Netflix loses more than $135 million a month on people sharing their accounts with viewers outside of their households.”

That’s a hefty “ouch” in the pockets of Netflix.

Now, the company is expecting a little push back to this policy change. People hate change — especially when they are losing something that’s been free for years.

Consumers aren’t going to love it right out of the gate, but we need to show them why they should see value.


What do you think about the end of Netflix password sharing?

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