TikTok’s ‘Skull Breaker Challenge’ Is Putting Kids In The ER. Here’s What Parents Need to Know.
If you have a child old enough to be on TikTok you should be aware of the dangers lurking.

The newest danger is TikTok’s ‘Skull Breaker Challenge’ which is so dangerous, kids are being put into the ER. Here’s What Parents Need to Know.
TikTok’s ‘Skull Breaker Challenge’ has become popular among kids. It involves three kids—two who are in on the prank, and an unsuspecting third participant.
All three stand in a straight line and are told to jump in the air (by the person doing the filming, or someone else). However, the person in the middle, who doesn’t know what’s about to happen, is the only one who actually jumps.

The other two kids kick inward to knock the middle person off their feet—and, most likely, onto their head.
That is where the ‘Skull Breaker’ part comes into play because it’s dangerous and causes kids to hit their head, likely resulting in serious injury and even a concussion.

Now, before you think this isn’t actually happening, it is.
In fact, one mom decided to share what happened to her son on Facebook last week. Sharing that her son had no idea what was happening and ended up with serious injuries landing him in the Emergency Room.

You can read that below.
Another teen, 13-year-old Kathleen DeJesus became an unknowing participant in the “skull breaker challenge,” this week and became temporarily paralyzed from it.

Authorities are asking that parents be aware of these viral challenges going around and talk with their kids about how wrong these trends are to participate in. It’s not worth hurting someone.
It takes a village to raise a child. Meaning everyone should speak out against this terrible prank anyone who encourages children to do mean or hurtful things is not a good role model. Not impressed with Tick Tock. I will talk to everyone about this prank and website.
If these games are happening on School grounds then it is a teChers responsibility to soesk to students. Then the parent needs to follow up with explanation of the danger
It is your responsibility as a parent to teach your children of the dangers in this world not the teachers. Teachers are responsible for teaching your children academics not to do your parenting for you. And it’s every adults responsibility to step in and stop this from happening if you are witnessing it. Step up parents and do your job!
Wow, 1. Learn to spell…. 2. IT IS A PARENTS responsibility to raise children and teach right from wrong, smart decisions from dumb decisions. Absolutely NOT a teachers responsibility. That is why we have such a stupid generation to take over. Because parents are LAZY and don’t want to parent. Let someone else do it, let a tv or tablet or phone keep them occupied. Grow up and raise your own kids.
I agree. The school system has enough to do without having to to the parents job also. They talk about bringing shop and home-ec. back to schools. Let’s teach our kids these things at home. I think kids and parents would both benefit from more time together.
There seems to be no sign of intelligent life on Tic Tok and I’m not surprised. Turns out people didn’t learn their lesson after Tide pods….. Humans in 2020??♂️
Jesus this website is pure cancer. Hard to read the article between the ads.
Yes teachers… they have all the kids together and make the announcement.. then job is done
You as a pearent tell your kids… but what about the rest of the kids in school… ?
All of these kids look much too young to be on that app , how about doing a parenting challenge. Get involved, know what your kids are into before it’s too late. They will thank you for it one day!
evil ,people should be punished totally agree
The way to combat this would be for all teachers everywher to make their students aware of this. If everyone knows about it, nobody can be tricked into doing it.
Why teachers? This is the job of the parents. People need to stop asking teachers to raise other people’s children
I’m a parent of two kids on TikTok. How is it a teacher’s responsibility to inform them of something they’re watching online outside of school on their parents watch? Parents are responsible for teaching right & wrong. Teachers are responsible for teaching a curriculum. How would a teacher of grown kids or a new teacher with no kids even know about these things? They’re not following on TikTok, nor should they have to. Raise your own kids!
The problem is that the evil one wants to kill or hurt these ones. So he convinces others to po participate in stupid things like eating tide pods, of activities that hurt other people.
Absolutely correct.
What is this world com too?
This sick joke is two of the wounds of the soul, namely MALICE and IGNORANCE, oozing its putrid hatred for fellow human BEINGS and being out of touch with reality, and indicative of a society that turned its back on our Creator God.
The only solution is the virtues of the LORD Jesus Christ, namely Justice, Temperance, Prudence and Fortitude to counter the sinful vices: Malice, Concupiscence, Ignorance and Infirmity.
Lord Jesus Christ
I loved you all so much that I gave you my only son Jesus, so that any one of you who believes in me would not perish, but have everlasting life. The days are coming when people will not endure this sound teaching, but they’ll gather to themselves liars who tickle their itching ears with fraudulent teaching. Choose this day who you will serve. The gods of this world, or the one who created you: Me.