A Real-Life Jurassic Park Is Being Built Complete with A Fossil Excavation Area
Attention Jurassic Park fans — it is actually happening. Jurassic Park is going to be a real thing!

Well, real as in, it will be Jurassic Park-esque, and there will be dinosaur — bones. Including a fossil excavation area.

According to the Daily Star, out of the UK, China is all set to open the Pu’an Dinosaur Geopark. It will be a “real-life Jurassic Park,” but with roller coasters.
Basically, a Jurassic Park themed dinosaur land.
They claim it will be finished by the end of 2020, for an opening in 2021. That gives them one year to get it together, and get it done. Hopefully that’s enough time to make it nice and safe.
The only REAL dinosaurs there will be dinosaur bones, so no chance of getting eaten alive by a T-Rex. It is said Pu’an Dinosaur Geopark will include a fossil-dig excavation area, and a dinosaur research facility.
Oh yeah, and there will be roller coasters — because it wouldn’t be a proper WILD park without roller coasters.
According to the Chongqing Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau the application for the exotic park was approved early on Monday.
Daily Star
If you want to stay a little closer to home, you can head on over to Hawaii. Kualoa Ranch, on the coast of O’ahu, is the site where they filmed Jurassic Park — as well as movies like 50 First Dates, Joe Young, Pearl Harbor, and Jumanji. It is also the filming location for the show LOST.
They don’t have roller coasters or a dinosaur research facility, but they DO have 4,000 acres of private nature preserve, and a working cattle ranch, as well as ziplining, ATVs, kayaking, and a plethora of other outdoor activities.
They also have a “Hollywood’s Backlot” tour, where you can actually see where all these films have been shot. Heck yeah! Sign me up.
Both the Hawaii location AND the new China Pu’an Dinosaur Geopark sound like a total must for Jurassic Park fans EVERYWHERE!
Both locations are now on my Bucket List!
I really would live to see that .
Those movies watched them all.
Thank you
Linda Faye Hamilton