An Illustrated Version Of ‘Harry Potter’ Is Coming Soon, Accio It To Me!
There is a new version of the Harry Potter book “Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone,” and it’s a version like you’ve never seen before.

No, no, don’t worry. The story hasn’t changed at all. But, the book, itself, it has changed BIG TIME, and we are all going to want to run out and add it to our collection!
This new Harry Potter book is beautifully ILLUSTRATED — that’s right, there are PICTURES! There aren’t just pictures, there are pictures on almost every freaking page.
It doesn’t stop with the pictures. There are EIGHT special paper craft features that take this book NEXT LEVEL.

Readers can open the beautifully designed, elaborately folded Hogwarts letter and Diagon Alley shopping list, reveal the magical entryway to Diagon Alley, open a die-cut, fold-out Hogwarts Castle, make a sumptuous feast appear in the Great Hall, and more.
Scholastic Press Release

This “Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone” book will released to stores October 20, 2020.
I have my name on the waiting list to get this book! Like, Accio it to me NOW!
I mean, just LOOK at that cover! If every page is as bright and detailed, GAH! I’m already in love!

If you LOVE Harry Potter, you have GOT to check out this HP Dinnerware from Target! It is so elegant and beautiful!