Can We Please Normalize Practical Gifts?
The biggest gift giving season is right around the corner and this year, I am not wasting any money on gifts.

Now, I don’t mean I am not buying anyone holiday gifts because I totally am.

But this year, I am doing things different.
Our society has normalized that spending a ton of money on a ton of gifts for people during the holidays is the way to go.

We spend so many hours of our lives trying to find the perfect gift, spend the right amount and just hope the person receiving it, will find it useful and love it.
Well, I vote we stop all of that RIGHT NOW.
This year, I am just going to ask what they really want or really need.

How often do you ask someone what they want and they say something like, “Oh just some money would be nice” or “Just a nice home cooked meal would be great”.
And then you’re response is probably something like, “Well, that’s no fun” and go buy them something anyway.
I know I am guilty at doing that in the past.
But ya know, this year, with the increase of literally everything and the scariness of the unknown future, it got me thinking…
Can we PLEASE normalize practical gifts? Like gifts people actually want and/or need?

Like what if someone just really needs a bill paid?
Maybe they really need a full tank of gas.
Maybe they need a new outfit for a job interview.
Maybe they just want their house deep cleaned.
Maybe they just really need a day away from the kids to just be an adult and sit in silence (I know I do!).

Can you imagine the actual excitement that person is going to have?
The bills being paid, food on their table or gas in their car. It is something they really NEED and will actually get used.

I cannot even imagine the level of gratitude.
No waste of time or money. Nor will that item just end up in the landfill because that person has too much crap to deal with already.

Simple. Practical. Meaningful.
Let’s normalize practical gifts. Gifts that actually mean something to someone and stop with all this pressure and stress of having to spend money on lavish gifts during the holidays.