Disney Is Making A New Haunted Mansion Movie And I Can’t Wait To See It
It’s official! Disney has hired Katie Dippold, writer of Ghostbusters (2016 reboot and ‘The Heat’, to bring us a new version of The Haunted Mansion to the screen! She also wrote for ‘Parks and Recreation’, which is one of my favorite television shows.

The producers from the live-action remake of Aladdin, Dan Lin, and Jonathan Eirich, will be in on this project as well.
The original Haunted Mansion movie came out back in 2003 and starred the hilarious Eddie Murphy and Marsha Thomason. Apparently they were not thrilled with the response to that first one!

I mean Pirates of The Caribbean also came out at that time and pretty much had everyone’s attention. So, they decided to give it another go.

There really aren’t many details out yet. No production dates, or release date. We also don’t know if it will go more comedy or more scary. I would think with Katie Dippold writing that it would be more comedy than anything. Of course with some fun laughable scares included.

‘The Haunted Mansion’ movie was inspired by the ride at Disney. Usually, it’s the other way around, or so I thought. Did you know that there are 7 movies that were rides first? Then later were turned into movies? I didn’t!

If you have never watched the original of ‘The Haunted Mansion’ film, go ahead and check out the trailer below. I know my oldest daughter liked it when she was younger. I’m not sure if my youngest girls have watched it yet, but we can change that!
Why do you want to see the new Haunted Mansion movie? Why can’t the ride stand on it’s own as it’s own story, instead of being made into a movie? Why must every iconic Disney ride be tied to a movie now? Why are you cheering on Disney being so unoriginal?