The Bristol Zoo Shared Photos Of Their New Baby Mouse Deer And It Is Only As Tall As A Pencil
Y’all, this is just adorable! The mouse deer is so tiny and cute, have you ever seen them before?

The lesser Malayan mouse deer is a small deer-like animal that is the smallest known hoofed mammal!
Full grown, its mature size is only about 18 inches and 4.4 lb.

Well, a new little baby mouse deer was born at the Bristol zoo in the U.K. and it is only about 8 inches tall!
That’s about the size of a standard pencil!

The baby lesser Malayan mouse deer, was born to first-time mother Brienne, and father Jorah about a month ago.

Brienne is being a fantastic first-time mother and has been very attentive to her infant. It will be a little while until we are able to determine the gender of the fawn as they’re so small and quite shy.
Paige Bwye, senior mammal keeper

At this time, the gender is not yet known of the newest addition to the family.
It’s doing really well though, and has recently started to discover new tastes, such as sweet potato. They are absolutely fascinating to watch. They move around on their pencil-thin legs and munch on flowers and vegetables.
Paige Bwye, senior mammal keeper

This is only the second mouse deer born at the zoo in the past decade, there was one born there just last year.

The mouse deer born last year was named Missandei and was moved to the Ouwehands Zoo in the Netherlands to join its breeding program.

Could you imagine having one of these as a pet?
Imagine how cute they would look prancing along down the side walk on a leash!