You Can Get This Oreo Dunk Set For Two Just In Time For Valentine’s Day
Well, SOMEONE knows the way to my heart. Forget expensive jewelry and oversized flower bouquets, This Oreo Dunk Set For Two is all I want for Valentine’s Day.

I admit it, I’m a sucker for that chocolate creme-filled cookie! Slap on a RomCom, pour two glasses of cold milk, and bring me a bag of Oreos — PERFECT date night.

The Frankford company has made date night EVEN EASIER!

Just for Valentine’s Day, they have this Oreos Dunk Set For Two, and I’m going to need it.

The set includes two of the cutest mugs ever, a “cookie cage” heart, a pack of Oreo cookies, and two sets of tongs.

I think the tongs are my favorite thing ever! These geniuses came up with a way to dunk your Oreos without getting your fingers covered in milk.

You can get this DELICIOUS date-night set straight from Walmart.

It sells for less than $18, and will be the best date you have ever shared with your Valentine!

In fact, I may ask you to be MY Valentine! Ha!

You could even pick up an extra bag of Chocolate Marshmallow or Caramel Coconut Oreos for an even more delicious dunking experience!
This is going to be one DELICIOUS Valentine’s Day!
Don’t forget to bring your love a Chocolate Covered Strawberry Frappuccino off the Starbucks Secret Menu!