Oreo Just Announced Their Mystery Flavor Was Churro
Remember those Oreo Mystery Packs you saw in stores a few months back? If you got your hands on them you were probably trying to guess what the flavor was. Well, no more guessing because Oreo Just Announced Their Mystery Flavor Was Churro!

Yes, those crispy, cinnamon and sugar covered treats were the inspiration behind the Oreo Mystery Cookies.
After months of waiting Oreo finally announced the official flavor, Churro by posting online saying:

Case closed! The #MysteryOREO is Churro flavored creme. Nice work, super-sleuths ? We have notified the winner directly. More details at MysteryOREO.com.
If you took a guess at what it was, you could be the winner of the Oreo mystery sweepstakes where you could have won $50,000 so be sure to check your email to see if you won!

So, now that you know the mystery flavor, did this make you want to buy some more? If so, you can get the Mystery Oreos on Amazon Here.