Now That You Know About The Watts Family Murders, Let’s Talk About Susan Osborne And Evan Chartrand Who Are Still Missing
I’m sure that by now you’ve probably watched ‘American Murder: The Family Next Door’. It was unsettling and downright disgusting that a man could do that to his family.

What you may not realize though is that this happens more often than you know. Some cases are still open and the murderers are walking free among us all living their life as though nothing happened.

My Friend Susie
For instance, my friend Susan Osborne and her son Evan Chartrand. I always called her Susie and she was my best friend throughout high school and college, we had so much fun together!

We even took family vacations together growing up, and lived together during college, man there are some stories I could tell!

We were in and out of touch over the years because that is just how Susie and I were. She was one of those friends that weren’t needy, she didn’t need or want to talk to friends and family all of the time and I was the exact same.

This Story Takes Place in Alabama.
Susan and Evan were missing for 2 months before the police were notified. People judged her friends and family for that, but you have to realize it wasn’t uncommon to not hear from her for long periods of time.

Susan had married a man named Jerry Osborne, who was an Air Force veteran. Jerry was not the father of Susan’s children.

They look happy don’t they? Kind of like the Watts family. But there was obviously much more going on.

Jerry Had BIG Secrets
Before Susie and Evan disappeared she had discovered a secret that Jerry had been keeping. She had found photos of him online where he was advertising himself as a gay escort. She was able to recognize him by his tattoos.

When Susie found out, she confided to her closest friend at the time named Hollie. Sadly, Hollie lived in a different state at the time that this all happened.
she got suspicious and starting searching when he was lying about working overtime and she found emails between him and other men. His phone number at one point was listed in that add and she knew the tattoos were his.
Hollie Hatfield Morris
Susan confided in her friend Hollie about what she had found. Soon after, Jerry began monitoring her phone and emails.

Thankfully he did not know at the time she had shared all of that with me. The information I knew/know is what opened the case. I will keep fighting until we get justice for them. I’m glad she shared everything she did with me, I just wish I knew how bad it was, behind closed doors.
Hollie Hatfield Morris
Eventually Susie no longer returned texts, emails, or phone calls from her friends and family.

When The Authorities Got Involved
Susan and Evan were last seen in Holtville, Alabama. They haven’t been heard from since May 29, 2017. They were reported missing on July 29th, 2017.
When the police went to the house to check in and see what was going on with Susan and Evan, Jerry told them that she and Evan had left. He said, “a man” had picked them up.
The thing is, Susan had her own car and it was left behind, she also has another child (this child is safe and due to privacy I will not be discussing her other child). Even her dogs had been dropped off at the animal shelter.
It’s Obvious Who is To Blame
In the 2 months that Susie and Evan had been missing, Jerry had completely remodeled the home. I’m talking FULLY remodeled, even tearing out the flooring. Forensics did find traces of blood, but it had deteriorated from cleaning products and it wasn’t enough.
His neighbors even reported the large amounts of smoke that came from the backyard as he burnt furniture and bedding. Who knows what else he destroyed with those fires…

Evan should have been able to graduate high school. His life was cut way too short in a crime that will never make sense.
They Need Justice
We know that Susan and Evan are no longer with us. But they need to be found. We need to know what happened so that justice can be served and the person responsible will pay for what they did.
Please share this information about my friend Susan Osborne and her son Evan Chartrand and help them get justice.
There is an excellent podcast that explains everything in detail called Secrets True Crime (Season 1). Also, there is a video series on YouTube that covers the case that I will post below.
Did the police ever give Jerry a lie detector test?