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26 Fabulously Spicy Slow Cooker Recipes

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Whoo, wee! That’s totally the nerdy noise my dad makes when I serve something spicy. And with all the kinda bland foods that get served for the holidays, I’m looking for something spicy right now…26 Fabulously Spicy Slow Cooker Recipes, away!

sort of spicy slow cooker recipes

I’m ready to get out the peppers and spices. I want something hot and melt-my-tongue (but not too spicy or my kids won’t eat it!). These are some of my FAVORITE recipes in the crock pot…

26 Spicy Slow Cooker Recipes

  • This Paleo recipe is just to die for…Sweet and Spicy Stew.

26 sort of spicy slow cooker recipes

  • For anyone who really knows me, they know I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Chinese food…so, here’s to you, Kung Pao Chicken!

spicy slow cooker recipes

  • And, uniquely delicious Chicken Tortilla Soup for those nights when soup is right, but you want Mexican, too!

I can’t wait to make one tonight.

26 spicy slow cooker recipes

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  1. I love cooking meals with my crock pot! These are some great recipes and I pinned this to my Pinterest crock pot/slow cooker board. Thanks so much for sharing!