You Can Get A Light-Up Swan Pool Float So Get Ready To Take Up Night Swimming
Night time pool parties are on the way right? Need a float that lights up the night and is big enough for two people? We found it!

The swan pool float from Swimline is where it is at for those summer nights! It has LED lights inside of it so you get a cool light-up glow while you float and relax in the pool on a hot summer evening!

The float is white with black details, just like a swan. The lights light-up in many colors!

You can have it shine as white, red, pink, green, or blue! It can also rotate the colors for your very own light show in the pool!

Like I mentioned above, you can have two people (adults even) on this giant swan! It measures at about 76.8 x 76 x 45.5 inches and weighs about 5 pounds.
It also has handles on the swan’s neck so that if you are clumsy like me, you can hang on. I also love that it is flat with no opening. This means I can put a tiny dog up there with me to safely float around the pool or lake.

It’s cool enough that if you get it, you should throw a party to celebrate it! Imagine suddenly turning the lights on as it gets dark at your party. Ohhhh!

Did you see the light-up bean bag chair style floats? They would go so well with this for the ultimate night-time pool party! Can you imagine, the whole pool lit up with party floats? How cool would that be?

You can get your own light-up swan pool float from Swimline on Amazon for only $58.05. So out of all of the awesome pool floats we have shared, which has been your favorite?