Looking For the Perfect I Hate You Letter?

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pixieandixieI was looking through my blog stats this morning, and I discovered that many people are coming to my blog to find the perfect I hate you letter.

You want to write someone a letter to tell them how much you hate them? Personally, when I hate someone–I usually just stop talking to them. That seems to work for me, but if you really want the perfect I hate you letter, it would be wrong for me not to help out. I am after all, a writer.

Dear Friend, Foe, Frienemy, Ex-Boyfriend’s Cat, etc.,

When people ask me if there’s anything in my life I regret, my knee jerk reaction is to say no–because my mother taught me not to use that word. She said it was tacky and my face would stick like that–oh wait, that was crossing my eyes. Oh, you know what I mean. So, I may have promised I would never hate someone–but I was wrong. I really hate you.

I hate you the way a rat hates cheese. Wait, a rat really loves cheese. Maybe I hate you the way a rat hates a cat eating a piece of cheese right in front of his face. Yeah, that’s it.

In fact, I think I hate you more than my mom hated the word hate.

I hope this doesn’t make you too sad, because I think if you dig down deep–you’ll discover that you hate me too. So, now that our mutual disdain for one another is out there, we don’t have to talk anymore.



I hope that helps you guys out!

Oh, and if you’re really needing to write an I hate you letter to someone–do it in the comments below. It’s sort of therapeutic, and I won’t tell anyone! (promise.)

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  1. Thank you this really helped my situation a lot

  2. I hate you so much and i hope you kbow that i

  3. I hate my best friend for choosing her other friends over me

  4. onjae nehemiah barrera-palmer's girl once upon a time says:

    dear person
    i hate you. you make me sick. the way you smile n how your hands felt on mine. i regret that i ever thought you could’ve meant anything you said to me. you manipulated and lied to me and i felt like i was on top of the world. and then you started being yourself. i hate that you’re perfectly fine and feel no remorse. i hate that you faked that look you had when i spoke. i hate that you said you cared. i hate that you’re so incredibly cute and that im still so attracted to you but that you never wanted me. i hate that i was honest when you were lying to my face and i hate that i dont get to go to prom when i loved dancing with you to the wind on the top level of my apartments. you’re sickening.
    so much hate its love,
    the one person you’ll regret losing

    1. @onjae nehemiah barrera-palmer’s girl once upon a time,

      sis ur talented!! go off qween *slay* 😝

      the last sentence had me, i was climbing on my walls and everything. absolutely shook.

  5.   You people have a serious attitude problem! By the time I got through your Jan. 22 issue I was worn down by your snotty, groovier-then-thou, ultra-hip, snivelling, fuck-everybody attitude. Bowles is never going to endear himself to the Austin public by slamming the Cowboys, and that bitchy little weewee Tony Sivle told me nothing about the records he was reviewing, ad nauseum. I hope your publication dies a quick and painful death in the finest Austin tradition.

  6. LOL!

    You crack me up! You almost made me die cause I choked on my water! This is freakin hilarious! I love it! The mouse part is just perfect! haha!
    .-= Sara Tribble´s last blog ..INTERVIEW WEDNESDAY–Billey Coffey! =-.

    1. @Sara Tribble, you have won, but at what cost?

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