Starbucks Is Releasing New Halloween Cups Including One That Glows In The Dark
Starbucks cups are my JAM! Seriously, it’s one of the main things I collect at this point! Can you blame me? I can’t remember the last launch they had where I DIDN’T want one of their cups!

And now that the Pumpkin Spice launch is out with all of the AMAZING fall cups this year, it’s time to start anticipating the Halloween cups!
Now, be aware that this year’s Halloween cups seem to only be planned as a Target exclusive. So you’ll have to run onto a Starbucks inside of Target to score these special edition cups! Let’s get started with these sneak peeks!
Look at these amazing cups!!!!! I seriously want every single one of them! There will be hot cups, cold cups, and reusable sets!
This 6 pack reusable hot cup pack has glow in the dark lids!!! That is what I am most excited about, but I LOVE the witches brew cup and the siren potion cup! And I call myself a dumpster goblin on a regular basis, so I think the goblin juice cup may be meant for me!
Then there is this INCREDIBLE glow in the dark Halloween tumbler!!! Just the fact that it glows in the dark has me SO excited, but add the skull and cobwebs, and I’m in spooky season bliss!
The featured black cats also have me so excited! I think this is the first year that I want LITERALLY every single cup…no joke. And that’s on top of the dark bling cup that is already out. I think it TOTALLY qualifies as Halloween.
As does this incredible striking gold and black glitter duo! The whole fall and Halloween collection this year is phenomenal!
The Fall 2020 Launch released today, so be sure to RUN, don’t walk to snag the last chances for the Dark Studded Bling Cups, and keep your eyes on your calendar for the 9/22 Target Starbucks launch of the Halloween cups!
We don’t have a Target in our town so I’m going to have to make a run to the nearest town! I still haven’t decided if I like this launch better than last year’s Halloween collection, so I’ll let you be the judge of that.
Comment below and let us know which season has been your favorite cup launch and also which cups you’re going to be making a run for this round! For me, it’s definitely the 6 pack of the reusable hot cup. I have GOT to get my hands on some of those glow in the dark lids!!!!