Donnie Wahlberg Tipped His Server $2020 And It’s Become A New Internet Challenge
There are about 100 challenges going around for the new year, but this is my absolute favorite. It was apparently started by Donnie Wahlberg — of that little band called New Kids On The Block.

Basically, Donnie Donnie Wahlberg Tipped His Server $2020 And It’s Become A New Challenge dubbed the ‘2020 Tip Challenge’.
Danielle Franzoni, a server in Alpena, Michigan, also was on the receiving end of one of these generous tips.

The premise is, when you go out to eat, you tip your server $2020. Get it — 2020? Other celebrities are jumping on board, and I applaud them for being so generous with their money.
I mean, they have the means, and they could be doing fifty eleven other things with their money. It’s great to see them doing something so positive.

There are, of course, those people who ONLY see the NEGATIVE in everything. @championxdesign on Instagram writes, “Ego does this.” You know what, WHO CARES what “does this.” It’s only a positive thing. If they have the means, and they want to challenge other wealthy people to give of their money in a positive way, I say, “Thank you!”
What if you want to participate, buy you don’t have and extra $2000 lying around? You can modify it, to do the $20.20 challenge.
You simply tack on an additional $20.20 to your bill when you dine out. An extra $20.20 isn’t going to kill you, and it will mean SO much to your server.
They work so hard, and hardly ever get what they actually deserve. Most of them don’t even make minimum wage, their pay is their tips.
So, if you have an exceptionally attentive server, why not do the $20.20 challenge?
It will make you feel good for helping someone else out, and it will make your server feel appreciated. It just might be the best thing that happens to them all day!
Thank you, Donnie Wahlberg, for starting this challenge. It is ONLY a good thing, as far as I’m concerned.
I know I’m going to participate the next time I go out to eat!
Will you be taking the challenge, too?