This Family Built A Tiny-House Village Where The Kids Have Their Own Homes
When I was a teenager, I was LUCKY to get a phone in my room. I’m not talking a cellphone.
I’m talking about a landline that was shared with the entire house. But, I wanted — nay, NEEDED — this phone in my room.

But, THESE teenagers get their own freaking houses!! Granted it’s part of the tiny house movement. But, it’s theirs. And, it’s a house. And, I’m super jealous.

Lennox and Brodey Brinks live in Kentucky, with their parents. Okay, they are teenagers that live with their parents. No biggie. Except this living situation is unique.

Lennox and Brodey both have their own Tiny Houses on the property with their parents, who live in the MAIN Tiny House.

I would have given my left kidney for this lifestyle living situation as a teenager!

Lennox is 18 years old, and she lives in her house part-time, as she also lives at school. Still. Check out her living space. There is the most PRECIOUS living area downstairs, and her full-size bed fits in the loft upstairs.

Her 16-year-old brother gets his own log cabin-style setup, complete with loft that can hold a king size bed!

The only downside to this whole thing — they don’t have bathrooms inside their tiny homes. They have to run next door to the guest house / laundry area / bathrooms if nature calls. — That makes me feel a LITTLE less jealous. Not much, though.

“It’s really not that bad,” Lennox said. “It seems much worse than it is. I just put a coat on if it’s cold or raining. I’ll just bundle up and run over there.”
Courtesy of Insider

Also on the property are a small family office and a pool house, where the family can gather for games or fun. They have an above ground pool at the back of the property.

The parents, Keli and Ryan, downsized from a larger family house in Michigan, because they wanted to live more sustainably. This totally works for them. It takes far less energy to heat and cool these tiny homes, than it ever did for their 2,200 square foot home.

I am so happy it works for them, even if I am a little jealous. Great job with the sustainability, Brinkses!
I totally love this why didn’t someone do this esrlier. I would have done it too.
I had this idea long ago, but a little different… My “family compound” would include a larger, central house with a kitchen and gathering space, while the tiny homes would be private spaces for each family unit (bedroom(s), bath, and sitting area). With today’s costs, this compound could house an extended family with a fraction of the price.
It’s so smart. Why pay for 5000 sqft and they all can all enjoy peace with harmony. Thanks for sharing your space.
I love it you could always buy a portable potty for like camping to have , some people are so negative mostly probably out of jealousy but these are awesome I wish I’d had this growing up!!
I love it you could always buy a portable potty for like camping to have , some people are so negative mostly probably out of jealousy but these are awesome I wish I’d had this growing up!!
When my daughter got into her trans she wanted her own separate spce to relax have a few friends cousin ECT over luckily I had a very well behaved teen so we mad her a hangout in a old well house not very roimy but it had heat bed shelves for whatever a micro a small fridge a dish TV oh don’t forget Xbox an okay station it worked out pretty decent a lil crowed over three ppl came In so yeah a tiny house for her for her own space would have been a blessing she is still a excellent mom an daughter if u give some kids a lil space they don’t seem to be as rebellious so yes I agree they are great
I want this too
This is my sons dream… literally. He has talked of doing thise since the talk of ting homes love it
I want this too
I love this! and Hell yeah! who wouldnt want their own space away from their teenagers? lol
Yes loving it.
I would love to have a tiny house . It has been my dream to own one
Wher can one find a tiny home, and possibly a piece of land in Oklahoma. I live in an 50 year old Airstream that is falling apart. I love it but it is impossible to find a place to set it on. I am 66 and on social security and VA disability (80%)
That’s my goal. To open Gypsy Soul Ranch in Arizona for those on a fixed income to park their tiny homes aka RVs.
@Janice Cerda, These look like sheds, so just buy a shed. Same difference.
@Jaimie, Great idea!🤗
I think that this is a fantastic idea for keeping your kids closer to home. I wish I could have done this for my kids when they were younger and at home! But, they turned out to be good people of who I am very proud of!!!
I would absolutely like to live in a tiny house but i need a bathroom washer and dryer
I admire the kid very smart and I myself would love to have one of those little houses that yes need a bathroom and I love Loft bedrooms that that would be so cool enjoy have a happy life God blessed Blessed Be
I would love to live in a tiny house .I’m almost 68 yrs old….don’t look it but I have a big 14×70 Trailer I own & its way to big just for me…..I”m a disabled person living on SSI & cant afford much on what I get to have a tiny house. But if I did I would have to have a bath & laundry room ,bedroom ,living room, kitchen…..Or have a Living Room/Bedroom together.
I would love to live there you got room for a 59 yr old woman for real
I love this idea, minus the bathroom thing. Definitely would have to add on a bathroom. It’s creepy at night, in the dark…
This hardly seems sustainable. Aren’t they taking up more land by having several tiny homes? Is a pool house and pool necessary if you are trying to minimize your carbon foot print. It just sounds like the parents wanted their own space away their own teenagers.
If they already owned the land then they aren’t taking up more of it, just dispersing the buildings on it. Since they are all tiny homes then having one specifically for to hang out in makes sense, plus they only have to heat or cool the structures being used. I think this makes up for the footprint of the pool. Also, having the pool means they spend more time at home and don’t use up gas to travel elsewhere to swim and cool off.
Well said!! ?
I absolutely agree. I would love to live in a tiny house but due medical issues I would have to have a bathroom.
Exactly and I agree very well said . People are always trying to judge and tell someone else how to be , what they are doing works for them and their family . And who are we to decide what’s needed or
Necessary? You feel like everything in your life is necessary? They wanted it and they made it happen. All we can do at the end of the day is make sure WE are leading by example and being the change we want to see because In the end the only footsteps and fingerprints we can control in this world are our own .
I agree! Well said!
Oh shut up!!
Amazing, I would say they are lucky, if it works for them good on them, I can only dream of doing this for my family and that is all I will say for that
I agree. Its a different way to live and you better have really good kids but I dont see how its any less expensive or any more or less sustainable than just having one big house. There house was 2200 sq ft so that tells ya they were living in way more space than they needed to begin with.