This Teacher Created A Target-Themed Play Area For Her Classroom and It Hits The BULLSEYE
Theresa Yarber, a preschool teacher out of Nashville, Tennesse wins the classroom setup award with her Target-inpired play area!

Teachers work hard every year setting up their classrooms so the kids will enjoy coming back to school! They work, sometimes hours on that perfect setup that will be cute and inviting, while still encouraging play and learning.

Theresa Yarber reaches pure genius status with her setup! She made a corner of her classroom into a tiny Target-themed playland, complete with baskets, red t-shirts for dressing as a Target employee, and checkout area.

She even included a Starbucks section, because you know we have to have our Starbucks while we shop!

I would have absolutely loved something like this when I was in school. Heck, I love it now!!

She even has a Dollar Spot section, complete with filled bins for the kids to shop from. Check out those price tags!! I’m dying.

Of course, a cute Bullseye has to oversee everything that goes on … because he is just the most precious thing ever!
Now Mommy can get her Target fix, and the kiddos can get theirs, too!

Looking for more Target fun? Did you know Toys R Us just teamed up with Target for a new website? You can even return the products at any Target store!
And, I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t show you how these Target candy bowls are being used. GAH!! So cute!