Build-A-Bear Just Released A Toy Story Alien Bear

If you love the tiny green men aka Aliens from Toy Story, you are in for a treat!!
Build-A-Bear just released Alien bears and OMG they are adorable!

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of Toy Story (which by the way makes me feel old) they released Alien bears.

Oooooohhh! Make life galactic with Pixar’s Toy Story Alien! This adorable alien is all about space vibes with its three eyes, friendly smile and built-in space suit.

This far out friend is made even more cool with its Pixar’s Toy Story Alien 5-in-1 Phrases included. You can hear these cosmic sounds at the press of its paw. Space is calling, so add Pixar’s Toy Story Alien to your collection!

The biggest thing you need to know is that these are limited in supply so once they are gone, they are gone.
Hurry over the Build-A-Bear website to grab an Alien bear. They are online exclusives and cost $40.00 for the bear and the sounds.