Totally The Bomb – Copyright & Usage
Great ideas are made for sharing! Please join me in honoring a responsible code of web ethics.
- Totally The Bomb is the personal blog written and edited by me, Jamie. For questions about this blog, please contact me at
- All articles posted on Totally The Bomb are the property of Jamie Harrington, unless otherwise stated.
- All graphics and artwork created by and for Totally The Bomb remain under copyright to me.
I love having my work picked up and featured by other blogs and social media pages but please follow these guidelines:
- A short excerpt may be used along with one picture, as long as full and clear credit is given to Totally The Bomb with a link back to the original post regardless of language or format.
- Please do NOT re-post the entire post or reproduce, store, print, modify or transmit any post from this blog without written permission from the original author.
- If you reference my work, ideas or photos, please link back to Thanks!