Your Daughter is Probably Obsessed with These Mini Brands. Here’s What You Need to Know.
Two words: Mini brands.
Look, my kids love those mystery capsule toys and to be honest, I feel like there needs to be more adult versions of these mystery capsules and it seems like we are on the right track…
In fact, if you have a teen, you probably already know what these are but if not, let me enlighten you…
People Are OBSESSED with These Mystery Capsules Filled With Mini Plastic Food.
You see, this is next level. This is a mystery ball, that contains little brands. That’s it. Not figurines, just tiny “things.”
Things that are from our favorite brands — Mentos, Breyers Ice Cream and even tiny bottles of Soy Sauce.
One quick search on social media and you can see people unboxing these fun toys. Each “ball” has 5 mini foods items inside. What will you get?
Honestly, I want the little bottles of soy sauce and Lipton tea they are both SO CUTE.
These Mini Brands are so popular, that stores are selling out over and over.
So, what do you do with these and why are they so popular?
Well, some girls are turning them into keychains and others are even turning them into hair charms – cute and unique.
Your kids can even use these Barbie and doll house props…
Does it really matter what their purpose is? I mean, they are adorable.
All I know is, I just need these tiny food items in my life. I feel my kids do too.
You can get these Mini Brands Mystery Balls at Walmart Here.