Many Companies Are Dropping Degree Requirements For Getting A Job And It’s About Time
I’m not sure whether to be excited about this, or cry into my Cheerios.
Can you explain to my student loans that they are no longer covering a useful degree?
Nearly half of companies are reporting that they are going to do away with the Bachelor’s Degree requirements for entry-level and mid-level jobs by the end of 2024.
These companies are forgoing degree requirements, because it will create a more diverse workforce and increase the number of eligible applicants.
I mean, anyone in the workforce can tell you that there are plenty of — perhaps better — ways to gain valuable knowledge for work.
Sometimes sitting in a classroom for hours on end does NOT give you experience you will actually use in your everyday job.
Many companies have historically required a degree for hire, but then train you with their own policies and procedures — which have nothing to do with the actual degree.
Crazy, right?!?
Many Companies Are Dropping The Degree Requirements For Getting A Job
Due to the expense of attending college, earning a bachelor’s degree is generally more difficult for people from traditionally marginalized groups and those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.
Diane Gayeski, professor of strategic communication at Ithaca College
Employers are now seeking a more skills-based approach when it comes to hiring new applicants.
This means that companies are looking for people with experience in the job they are seeking.
Um — this makes it kind of tough to break into an industry, right?!?
How do you get the relevant experience you need to get a job without getting hired to get that experience?
Part of it is employers realizing they may be able to do a better job finding the right talent by looking for the skills or competencies someone needs to do the job and not letting a degree get in the way of that.
Parisa Fatehi-Weeks, senior director of environmental, social and governance (ESG) for hiring platform Indeed
According to Fox News, “one report projected that 1.4 million jobs could be opened to those without degrees in the next 5 years.”
Companies like Walmart, Google, IBM, and Bank of America are all relaxing their degree requirements, and this is going to be such good news for so many people.
It makes sense. So many companies have been struggling with hiring good — or any — candidates, with many positions left unfilled.
What do you think about companies dropping the degree requirements for hiring candidates?