You Can Get The Coolest Ugly Christmas Sweaters This Year and I Call Dibs On The Buddy The Elf Sweater
One of my favorite parts of Christmas is the ugly sweaters! I’ve always been such a good fan, so I’m always looking for new, crazy styles! has brought us a TON of choices this year. Like, a TON. I can’t share them all or this would turn into a book, but I’ll show you some of my favorites and then you’ll have to go check out the rest!

They really know what they’re doing because they have literally everything! Favorite movie? got it. Certain theme? Got it.

I was immediately drawn to the Harry Potter sweaters, which they have a ton of options for! But I also like the super funny ones as well!

To check them all out yourself, you can go to to get the perfect sweater for yourself this year!