Experts Say, People Who Share Towels Are Passing Poop
After reading this, you’ll NEVER want to share a towel again… Experts Say, People Who Share Towels Are Passing Poop! Um, GROSS.
A recent study conducted by Drench concluded that 56% of couples share towels with their partner. Sounds harmless enough, right?
Not exactly because another study concluded that a whopping 90% of bath towels are contaminated with fecal bacteria (poop) and 14% carry E.Coli.
So, there are a whole lot of germs going around in those bath towels.
In addition, towels can harbor ringworm and staph infections and be passed from person to person when sharing towels.
I mean, this makes me rethink everything ever in my relationship.
Truthfully, I am not sure how someone isn’t cleaning their butt off well enough in the shower and then it’s ending up on the clean towel.
I thought the entire purpose of a shower was to clean with soap to get all that left over poop off. But maybe I’ve been doing it wrong my entire life? LOL.
So, how can you protect yourself from poop infested towels?
For starters, never share a towel.
Secondly, wash towels regularly in hot water and soap and if you can, use bleach to help kill off any bacteria.
I bet you’ll never look at a towel the same way again!