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Here’s Everything You Need In Your Backpack For College

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Whether it’s your very first year in college, or whether you’re a seasoned pro, here’s what you are going to want in your backpack for college.

Now, you might be wondering, “What the heck does this chick know about college backpacks?”

Well, let me tell ya.

I consider myself a career student. I have more college credits than I care to admit — FAR more than I actually need to get a degree.

Speaking of degrees, I have 1) An Associate’s Degree, 2) TWO Bachelor’s Degrees, and 3) A Nursing License (not at all related to either of my Bachelor’s degrees).

I know what I’m talking about just a little bit when it comes to what you are going to need with you during the day at college.

What You Need In Your Backpack At College

First, you want to start with a GOOD backpack.

You want something big and sturdy.


Nothing against Walmart, but you don’t want to get your backpack on their back-to-school aisles.

You get what you pay for in this instance, and you want something that’s going to last you.


Check out this Super Deluxe Book Pack from L.L.Bean. It is just about perfection.

Pick a color you like. You are going to be living out of this bad boy on the daily.


Okay. You have the perfect backpack. Now it’s time to fill it.

(Click on the links. It will take you right where you’ll want to get your things.)

You definitely want a laptop. If you don’t have one, get one. You will use it 100% of the time — to take notes, to study, to write papers, etc.


Make sure you have a water bottle that is going to easily fit in the side pocket of your backpack.

The alternative is to get a Stanley Tumbler — which I love — but you’ll have to carry it around everywhere.


Don’t forget headphones or AirPods. They are a necessity. Trust me on this one.

Of course, you will want pens, pencils, and highlighters. Make sure you love them. You will be using the crap out of them!


You need something to take notes on — find what works for you. Loose leaf paper, 1-subject notebooks, 5-subject notebooks, pads of paper — it’s a personal preference thing.

You’re probably going to go through a LOT of notebooks. Get plenty. (I do one notebook per subject)


You are going to want some little pocket folders to keep all your loose papers and rando notes.

I like to color code my notebooks and little pocket folders for each class. It makes things much easier.


Get a day planner. I know, a lot of people use their phones, but you are going to want to write it all down when it comes to what you need to turn in for school.

I would seriously be LOST without my day planner!


Of course, you are going to want to carry your 498 books with you. Only take the books you are going to need that day. Otherwise, it gets hella heavy.

You also want to carry some kind of Emergency Self Care Kit — fill it with pads, Advil, lip balm, bandaids, hair ties, a brush, etc. Throw everything in a makeup bag, and nobody will be the wiser.


Get a portable charger for your phone and AirPods. You never know when you are going to need one.

And, once you get a portable charger, you are going to need extra cords.


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