Twitter Party Alert! #Labels4Edu – 10/7 11:00 AM ET
RSVP for the #Labels4Edu Twitter Party
Do you love a good Twitter Party? You know we do and we’re excited to host a party about the Labels for Education program! On Tuesday, October 7th at 11:00 AM ET, please join us for the #Labels4Edu Twitter Party where we’ll be discussing ways to help your child’s school, and giving you a chance to win prizes!
Labels for Education codes are everywhere! There are so many everyday products that I use that have the labels on them. You can even find bonus labels in the newspaper coupons! The simple task of cutting out the Labels for Education and sending them with my daughter to school makes a huge difference at her school. The best part about the Labels for Education is that it doesn’t cost you anything extra! Sounds like a win-win, doesn’t it?
Labels for Education is a great way to earn money for your child’s school just by clipping UPC codes from participating products, send them into school with your child, and watch the points add up! From soup, cereal, and snacks to dairy products, beverages, & school supplies, there are over 2,500 items that can earn points for your school. You can track your school’s progress and even view their wish list online.
Join me and RSVP for the #Labels4Edu Twitter Party on SoFabChats!
DATE: Tuesday, October 7, 2014
TIME: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm ET
PRIZES: QTY – (5) $100 VISA prepaid debit cards
EARLY BIRD PRIZE: 1 – $50 VISA prepaid debit cards
HOSTS: @KellysLuckyYou, @MommyTalkShow, @MommaDandDaBoyz, @jamieharrington, @_Karen
RULES: #Labels4Edu Twitter Party Official Rules
RSVP & PARTY GRID: #Labels4Edu Twitter Party Page
Join #Labels4Edu Twitter Party 10/7 11amET. Contest for schools! Prizes $550! RSVP/Rules: #sweeps #cbias
— Jamie Harrington (@jamieharrington) October 4, 2014
How To Participate In A Twitter Party on SoFabChats!
TIP: How to join a Twitter Party – sign in! Before party starts, click on the green “Sign In On Twitter” bar at the top of the page!
TIP: Who to follow at a Twitter Party? Follow the Party Team by clicking on the Twitter handle links on the RSVP page!
TIP: Want to win Twitter Party prizes? RSVP by clicking on RSVP button before you join the party, follow everyone on the Party Team, and tweet with the party hashtag during the party to be eligible!
TIP: How to win the Early Bird prize? Watch for chance to share a tweet when you RSVP for chance to win!
TIP: Special deals and brand coupons? Keep that option checked when you RSVP for the party!
TIP: New to Twitter parties? Watch your column and Party Team tweet columns – they are slower paced and easier to follow!
TIP: Where to find Twitter Parties? Check out the SoFabChats Twitter Party Calendar to find more fun parties to attend!
Find more helpful Twitter Party Tips on SoFabChats!