Apparently, ‘Minimalist Nativity Sets’ Are A Thing and People Are Obsessed
Minimalist Nativity Scenes are the new trend, and people are going crazy for them.
Move over wise men and shepherds, blobs of color, glass shapes, and blocks are the new thing!
These minimalist nativity scenes are a whole vibe.
They take the traditional nativity scene and break it down into the most simple form of expression, and we are kinda digging them.
You might, at first, see them as a bit of sacrilege, but hear me out.
These minimalist nativity scenes can actually spark conversations about the figures in the nativity, and they can lead to great discussions about the meaning behind the traditional Christmas story.
Not to mention, they can be quite beautiful in their own right.
People are taking everything from beautiful stained glass shapes to candles you can light to represent the nativity, and displaying them in place of those over-the-top nativity sets that we’ve seen for years.
In fact, you only need to head on over to Etsy to find a plethora of these minimalist nativity sets available for sale, and they are quite stunning.
Gorgeous, right?!?
What do you think? Are you going to opt for a more minimalist approach to the nativity this year?