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Celebrities Are Getting Real About Remote Learning Struggles To Let Us Know That We Are Not Alone

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You don’t have to tell me, I’m right there with you. Remote learning with the kids is hard work!

I thought it would be this fun time of bonding with my kids, easily doing their assignments in the mornings, and then having the afternoons to hang out and do fun things.

This is NOT at all what has happened. I’m having to learn just has much as they are, and it is more “fighting and struggling” than “easily doing assignments.”

We are so tired and annoyed with each other by the time afternoon rolls around, we go to our own rooms and do our own things.

I know you get what I’m saying right now, but I also feel better knowing CELEBRITIES are struggling just as much as we are!

In an interview with US Magazine, James Van Der Beek said that his family struggled with all the Zoom calls that went along with distance learning.


Shuffling the kids from Zoom call to Zoom call was not our forte. It was not our best moments as parents. We actually said, ‘If we’re not going back, let’s take it at our own pace.’”

US Weekly

He went on to say that when the school year ended last year, they continued “schooling” their kids into the summer, taking a slower, more active role in educating their kids.


Rachael Leigh Cook says she needed a support group for when schools started using Zoom.

Zoom school was terrible. Like, where’s the online support group? Just, can you link me to that, because it’s terrible.

US Weekly

Tia Mowry misses a time when her kids would go to school during the day. She is kind of like the rest of us, and wants that alone time to “miss” her kids. Yep. I understand, Tia!


Mario Lopez thinks that all teachers need a “fat raise.” Ha! His wife, Courtney used to give teachers a ton of credit, but now she understands how hard their job is, and teachers her “all.”


Alfonso Ribeiro can’t imagine how teachers have classes full of 20 or more kids. He says his three kids give him a hard enough time.

I think we can all understand that!!


And, Mayim Bialik has, perhaps, the best advice when it comes to this homeschool boat we now all find ourselves in.


We are all in this boat together. Whatever is going to happen to your kids this year is happening pretty much to everyone’s kids. No One’s child is going to fall behind in terms of their academic excellence in any way that we need to be anxious about. I think it’s important to be gentle with yourself.

US Weekly

Preach. I feel that in my soul, and I needed to hear it today!

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