Christmas Shopping Already

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Okay, I refuse tobe one of those frazzled moms searching for toys at the last minute for my kid, so far, so good…

So, I was walking by this endcap in Wal-Mart when I saw the cabbage patch newborns, and since Hal is OBSESSED with babies right now, this is something I wanted to get her for Xmas… soooooo….. I thought I would check them and see if they had any with her birthday….how bout the FIRST one I picked up had her birthday! I am sooooo excited!

And, the other night when we were in Wal-Mart I grabbed my TMX Elmo so she won’t be the only kid not getting that present under the tree this year 🙂

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  1. I have been trying to find that darn Elmo everywhere and they are already sold out! glad u found one!

  2. You’re on the ball! Halle’s going to love Elmo.

  3. So my kid will be the only one without a TMX Elmo. I’m done with everyone except him and dh.

  4. I’ve gotten about 10 things… but I’m far from done for our 4 boys!

    You’re doing GREAT! Two down… 🙂

  5. Good for you. I am sure your little one will appreciate it big time on Christmas Morning.

    Norma (localocairis)

  6. My Christmas shopping has begun! I try to be all done before Thanksgiving. 😀

  7. Glad to know I am not the only one, I started Christmas shopping too!!!