Clean out Clean out everybody do your share…
Well, my daughter’s birthday is in June, and Christmas is, of course, in December… so twice a year I clean out the ‘ol playroom. But this year it was kinda different… all the little kid toys seemed to disappear for dress up clothes and fake makeup. It made me so sad to see all that stuff disappear! But, it is kind of nice to get rid of all that stuff that she isn’t playing with anymore!
I have to say though… I don’t think my kiddo is a little tike anymore… cause I all those toys are going to the Goodwill tomorrow! I just hope I can get it all there without her seeing it and freaking out. Maybe I will do a sneak trip while her daddy is on lunch break. That is one of the sweet perks of having a daddy who works from home!
Here’s the play room all clean and spiffy! Man my kid has a cool play room!