Back to normal…

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Okay, my daughter is back home, my company is gone, and we should be able to return to normal now… I had a super great time with my cousins here, but I am definitely worn out from the weekend! Yesterday we had my husband’s company picnic, and Hal went on her very first boat ride! (Um, of course the boat ran out of gas and we had to be rescued.) But, all in all it was pretty fun and she LOVED the wind! She thought it was so cool, and she just laughed and laughed when it blew her hair all around! It was great! She was an angel at the picnic too. She barely fussed at all, and smiled like the adorable baby she is at all the appropriate times. She is such a good kid, it is so easy to take her places!

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  2. Awwww…. normalcy bites cuz! ^_^; I had like, totally the best time ever? lol.. Had fun at your house, and I can NOT wait until next time!! ^___^; Hope to see ya soon!


  3. aw she is adorable, and how great that she is such a good baby. your a very lucky mommy 😉