I Can Finally Visit My Parents At Home and I’m So Nervous About It
I’m feeling anxious and excited to visit home again. It’s a strange combination of emotions, when I should only feel relived that I can see my parents again.
However, considering everything that’s been going on, I can’t shake the feeling of the possibility of contracting the virus from parents or giving it to them without even knowing it.

My county and my parent’s county have finally moved into the yellow phase, but that doesn’t mean things are back to normal. It most definitely shows progress of beating the virus, but is this our new normal?
This most definitely is the longest amount of time I have gone without seeing my parents and I finally get to see them over Father’s Day weekend.

This Father’s Day weekend will certainly be different from the ones before. As I feel that I should be social distancing from parents as much as possible when I do return home, I want to be able to hug them too.

I almost feel guilty that I took the privilege of visiting and hugging my parents for granted. Of course no one could have predicted a pandemic; although if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the past few months, is that I miss human interaction greatly.

I’m talking about visiting your friends, being able to sit at a diner, go on a date, play sports, visit a stadium or sit in a live studio audience.
I’ve come to understand that our regular day-to-day activities can be taken away in a moment’s notice and that nothing is ever guaranteed.

For now, I’m grateful that I can finally visit home and spend time with my family. I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.
I’ll see you soon Mom and Dad and a Happy (early) Father’s Day to all the fathers out there.