Goodbye 2014, Hello 2015! Free New Year Printable
Kids really enjoy the idea of the New Year. And it’s also a great way to celebrate the ending of one thing and the beginning of a new. (Which is why we love this free new year printable.) It’s also a great way to get little kids thinking (and talking) about their past year, as well as the year they want to have.
Click here to download this free New Year printable.
Download the free New Year Printable.
Something I totally know for a fact though, if you just ask there’s no way your kids are going to want to just chat, not at all. That’s why I love this printable idea!
As adults, it’s totally no big deal to share with others (your spouse, kids, friends, whoever) what your goals are for the coming year. Heck, I’m working on getting in shape in 2015, like half the universe. But getting kids to talk, to make goals, is kinda tough. That’s why saying Goodbye! to 2014 and Hello! to 2015 in a little survey makes it so much easier for kids to tell you what plans they have in the New Year!
Looking for more NYE ideas for kids? We found over 100 of them here.