Gorilla Glue Apologized To The Woman That Glued Her Own Hair But People Say It’s Not Enough
By now I am sure you know all about Gorilla Glue Girl Tessica. She ran out of her normal hairspray that is called Got2b Glue, and chose to improvise with Gorilla Glue.

Gorilla Glue is NOT A HAIR PRODUCT. At first I felt bad for her because she looked so distressed and even went to the hospital for help.
I followed her story and her posts, then today I heard that there is talk that she got a lawyer and wants to sue Gorilla Glue for her mistake.
Her mistake.
People are calling on the company to do something for her, but why? It isn’t a haircare product. It is one of the strongest adhesives on the market.
She also has a GoFundMe campaign that she started for herself. There is currently over $10,000 in the GoFundMe.
they gonna start locking up the gorilla glue like how they locked up the tide pods ?
— ?✨ (@stinkyyfrog) February 8, 2021
At this point, take your loss. Shave your hair, use part of your 10K, and buy some fun wigs.
Gorilla Glue did offer an apology to Tessica, and honestly, I don’t think they even owed her that. I mean sorry about your hair, but what were you thinking?
i’m on gorilla glue girl’s side idc
— ً (@vloids) February 8, 2021
We are very sorry to hear about the unfortunate incident that Miss Brown experienced using our Spray Adhesive on her hair,” the company wrote on Twitter. “We are glad to see in her recent video that Miss Brown has received medical treatment from her local medical facility and wish her the best
Gorilla Glue statement
We are very sorry to hear about the unfortunate incident that Miss Brown experienced using our Spray Adhesive on her hair. We are glad to see in her recent video that Miss Brown has received medical treatment from her local medical facility and wish her the best. pic.twitter.com/SoCvwxdrGc
— Gorilla Glue (@GorillaGlue) February 8, 2021
Stupid woman and stupid people paying into a go fund me page
So, no one is responsible for their own screw ups? Really? How stupid is this and they think Gorilla Glue is responsible? It is ridiculous.
Gorilla glue should add “hair” to their do not warning. Otherwise more dummies will use it on their hair. Do not have any sympathy for this moron and laughing at people giving her money. I think she did this sgit on purpose for sympathy.
I wanna kno why people r donating money to this dumdum.they must all have the same brain capasity
People say an apology is not enough….that heffa PURPOSELY went to cabinet, reached in and pulled out that DAMN GLUE!!!! It’s is 100%HER fault and her lawsuit is RIDICULOUS!!!! She is grown and knows how to read the LABEL. If she cannot read, she should have asked for mfn help!!!
#sorrynotsorry #isaidwhatisaid #dumb #hookedonphonics #LearnhowtoreadforDUMMIES #Dont@me #STUPID
@Cherokee, “#hookedonphonics” lmao
She clearly knows how to read having social media pages and gofundme accounts ???
This is why things like “do not use while bathing” on a hairdryer warning label. Because some moron has actually done it!!??♀️??♀️??♀️
@Karen Higgins, ??? yes
@Karen Higgins, and curling wands saying “for external use only” like who tf used a curling iron INTERNALLY?
A well known plastic surgeon in CA is going to fix her scalp for free, so why sue? She has her Go Fund Me too.
She cleared $20,000
People will go to any extreme to make a buck. Whoever thinks this wasn’t pre-planned is an idiot. You dont even buy this in the health section. Her go fund is for her own pockets as she also tries to reach some kind popularity status. And whoever supports this pure nonsense is just as pathetic as the person doing it.
@Casie, l agree well said
Didn’t Bill Engvall do a whole comedy bit about stupid people wearing a sign? Welp….here’s your sign.
@Robert, I think a better comedy but would be from James Gregory. You know what that means, sometime in the past….. check that out. Lol
Wow! Just wow. Rewarded for not being able to read the label. What a world we live in! ??♀️
that is bull. what part of GLUE doesn’t she understand? She is one of the reasons we have to have warning signs on things. Gorilla Glue shouldn’t have had to apologize. Stupid does exist.
@valerie, stupid is stupid does they need to Sue her
@valerie, A real Gorilla wouldn’t put this stuff on their hair
I’m sorry but why is the company apologizing for this girl NOT READING LABELS!?!?! Her own PURE STUPIDITY landed her in the situation. I don’t feel bad for her not ONE bit.
It says not to use on skin or clothes on the bottle. When you put it in your hair and style it like she did it obviously is touching the skin. That go fund me page is going right to her lawyer and she will get nothing other than the apology that I am sure gorilla cracked a quick laugh about. It sucks but you gotta read the fine print
Why should Gorilla Glue apologize for her stupidity?
This was her fault. And only her fault. Why would you use any glue, except hair glue, on your hair. Wow.
@Kimberly Bowie, You can’t fix STUPID! Even with Gorilla Glue!!
@Shannon B., ??? you’re 100% right
Ppl make mistakes all the time, it’s just being human, but to have a company have to pay us for our “not so smart” decisions is a little over the top. READ ALL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS before using ANYTHING, especially if you’re not sure about the outcome.
Its called common sense.
You ever wonder why they put the silly warning labels and “not for use” labels on products????
Now ya know?
@Tim, ????like the packets of peanuts that state “ may contain nuts…..”??
What is wrong with people. She was the idiot that put the non hair glue on her hair. Make someone else pay for your own stupidity. That is what is wrong with society today.
Another example of avoiding responsibility. You should read directions before putting anything on yourself.??♀️
Seriously? I get shot in the face while driving home from my mother’s celebration of life down in Florida. By a random guy with road rage, loosing the sight in my right eye and shattering my left side of my face bones and I barely get any help from a go-fund-me and this lady does this kind of stupid crap and people feel sorry for her? Amazing!!!
@Charles Jost, I hear ya! I needed help paying for my son’s chemo treatments and a girl that needed a prom dress collected over 8000.00 dollars. I barely made it to 500.00. SMH…
@Charles Jost, Sorry you went through that. Yea it’s really ridiculous what people donate to. I tried twice for a GoFundMe for serious things as well. Got 0 both times and felt ashamed I even started them. Then you get some idiot like like this who gets media attention and thousands of dollars?? It’s sickening in my opinion. I’m going to go glue my hands together with krazy glue and sue the company. ??
@Charles Jost, I feel the same way. What are these people donating for? Hair grows back. Other people have jacked their hair up. My cousins hair all fell out cause she died it 3 times in 2 days. No ones fault but her own. Buy a wig & move on. Not the companies fault she needs to stop making it out to be.
Warning labels on products are there, among more serious things, to protect people from there own stupidity. Clearly some stupid people are too stupid to read a warning label. To allow this amount of stupidity to sue Gorilla Glue will open the floodgates, any idiot that fails to read a warning label and uses a product for anything other than its intended use and hurt or is maimed can sue the company that makes that product. Basically the law would be allowing people to sue others for there own stupidity. Personally I think Gorilla Glue should counter-sue on the grounds she is mentally diminished, not able to make rational decisions regarding her own welfare and should be in full time care.
@Gary, I couldn’t say it better took the words right out my mouth
@Gary, I would totally agree with you
@Gary, these days if a guy crashes a party at your house, gets drunk and falls off a balcony, he can sue you. I’ve even heard of people getting sued for stopping a rape in progress. By the victim!
@Joey, This brings to mind the woman that got burned with McDonald’s coffee!! SMH
@Shannon B., that’s exactly the example I thought of! You put hot coffee in a paper cup between your legs, that’s on you when you get burned in your crotch! People have to start using their heads for something other than gluing on hair!!!! ?
She’s the idiot that used gorilla glue in the first place! The company owes her noting!!
@Bryan Simms, I said the samething smh she want win it was her fault
@Bryan Simms, i cant believe the company appologized to her, the only reason that people are following this is because they got a good laugh at the idiot thats dlapping her hands together like a moron, and doing idiotic stuff to herself, even a teenager knows you dont put that stuff in your hair. Why in the world would she do that we all wonder? Its not like she saw it in the hair care product area, that stuff is for crafts, did she think because her hair is fake she was making a craft on her head? I also cant believe people are giving money to a go fund me account, thats just opening the flood gates so everyone can do stupid stuff hoping to get paid for their stupid decisions.
@Rick, I said it before…You can’t fix STUPID!! Even with Gorilla Glue!
Sooooo….I have never seen Gorrila glue in the hair product area in any store. You litterally have to walk to the hardware section or the crafts section to find glue. Clue number one you arent buying HAIR SPARY!!!!!
She probably did it on purpose 2 get money & has 10,000 in a good fund me & you have ppl out there really struggling because some idiot decide to use a glue product on her hair.
@Jen Davies, Damn!! Why didn’t I think of this before I lost my house?? Asking for help with a truly serious problem got me nothing! SMH…
Why do stupid people get rewarded for being stupid