It’s Tough Being a Night Owl

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owlI’m most productive at from about 2-4am.

When you say that people look at you like you’re a few jacks full of a short deck. Then they try to cover it real quick with something like, “Oh, I’m a night owl too. Sometimes I stay up until midnight.”

Midnight? Really? You think that makes you a night owl? Sometimes I take naps until midnight.

But, when you’re a mom to an adorable four year old, this doesn’t work out so well. When you go to bed at five, and your kiddo wakes up at nine this does not a full night of sleep make.

So, fellow night owls–how do you cope?

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  1. So nice to find someone else asking that question! I dont have the answer sorry…and MAN do i relate to the frustration when others say ‘oh yeah, i go to bed about midnight’.Great! I still have 3 hours to go!! Do you mind if i ask, do you have Delayed sleep phase syndrome?
    I hope you get a good answer to your question…perhaps a nice nanny who wants to work for free for you out of her support for night owls. That is what my husband and i are depending on for when we have kids shortly.

  2. I am the opposite of you. I go to bed early and then get up early to write. My writing slot is 5-7am only as I work full time and have 3 sons so by the time they’re all in bed I’m too shattered to write.
    .-= DJ kirkby´s last blog ..Clever hands =-.

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  4. I’m a mother of 2; 4yr old and a 1 1/2yr old. The youngest ALWAYS naps but the other doesn’t. I usually place him on the foot of the couch with a movie and it’s “quiet time” while his sister naps. So I get a few minutes of rest then.

    Then as soon as the kids go to bed, I do too! This can be anywhere between 7 – 10pm. I wake around midnight everynight, and do whatever needs to be done online, around the house, etc until about 4 or 5am…then back to bed til about 8 or 9 when the kids wake.

    So I normally get anywhere from 2-4 hours at a time, but still averages about 8 hours in a day.