Dear Parents, Your Kid Is Doing Just Fine On Their Own
As you all know, I’m currently 22 years old and I most recently moved out of my parent’s house for the very first time.
I’m not going to lie, I was slightly emotional but who wouldn’t be? I knew that what was ahead, was a great opportunity and it was time to build a life of my own.
For my parents, this was a huge change for them, especially because I’m an only child. The house has officially decreased by one and from what my mom has said “she misses the chirping”, which ultimately means she misses my loud mouth!
But this article is written to ease all of the worrisome parents who are anxious about their kid living on their own, especially if you’re a family of three.
It’s without a doubt that a parent will always miss their child wherever they go. However, I can say that my parents feel more relaxed when I call them more often than not.
In many cases, time heals and for my parents, it took them a while to get used to the new normal.
I can say that I have adjusted well living on my own and rooming with my best friend from college. At first it was a tough adjustment, but similar to all new beginnings, my parents have taught me that change is good.
You’ve raised your kid for 22 years, give or take a few. They’re going to make mistakes; you should feel confident you’ve taught them everything they need to know, but as Murphy’s law tells it, mistakes happen.
Here’s a bit of comfort, your kid is going to be fine on their own, remember when you first left your parent’s house? You figured it out and so will they.
Just make sure to send me them home cooked meals once in a while, we all miss mom and dad’s cooking when we try making chicken for the first time by ourselves.