Here’s The Entire List Of ‘Netflix And Chills’ Horror Movies For Halloween
Horror is my favorite genre! I love when Halloween time comes around and all of my old time favorite films are shown, not too mention all of the new ones that always release at this time of year.

Netflix is on it right now! There is a ton of horror movies and shows coming! Everything from thrillers, gothic, supernatural, and more! So let’s talk about Netflix and Chills!
There is even an awesome handy dandy schedule so we know what is coming and when! I need to mark these in my calendar so i can watch them as they release.
On September 10th ‘The Babysitter: Killer Queen’ was added to Netflix. This is the sequel to the 2018 teen horror-comedy combination that is about high school Satan worshippers.

Coming to Netflix on September 16th is a Spanish horror film called ‘The Paramedic’. This is the story of a disabled man that is in a wheelchair who is kind of all about some murder.

I’m super excited to watch ‘Ratched’ which stars Sarah Paulson from American Horror Story. This is a prequel series to one of my all-time favorite films ‘One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest’. It looks like it’s going to be pretty fantastic! You can catch this one on September 18th.
We’re not sure of the date, other than it will be in October, the French series ‘La Revolution’ will start.

October 1st will bring us the German series called ‘Oktoberfest: Beer and Blood’. I am kind of obsessed with foreign films and television, so this is a must-see for me. October 2nd ‘The Binding’ will become available. This is an Italian horror film and I’m ready for it!

Also on October 2nd ‘Vampires vs. the Bronx’ will release. This is a horror-comedy and those are always fun to watch!

October 7th ‘Hubie Halloween’ from Adam Sandler will release. This has a very ‘The Waterboy’ feel to it and has some of my favorite actors in it. The Polish post-apocalyptic drama ‘To the Lake’ will also debut on October 7th. Another one added to my must watch list!

Oh and make sure you watch ‘The Haunting of Bly Manor’, which will arrive on October 9th! If you enjoyed the ‘Haunting of Hillhouse’, you’ll definitely want to watch this one too!

October 14th ‘A Babysitter’s Guide to Monster Hunting’ will be available. Then on October 19th ‘Unsolved Mysteries‘ will be back with more episodes.

October 21st, Hitchcock fans will want to watch ‘Rebecca’! This is a remake of the Alfred Hitchcock film.

October 22nd another foreign film! This one is Norwegian and is a psychological horror film called ‘Cadaver’. Then on October 28th there is a Polish film called ‘Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight’, this is a total slasher flick!

‘The Day of the Lord’ is a Mexican film that releases on October 30th. It’s about a priest and exorcism… we know how that goes! ‘His House’ will also release on that same day. It’s a British-American haunted house story.

I think my movie and television watch time is completely filled for the next two months will all of this! What movies or shows are you looking forward to the most? Does anyone else yell at the characters in horror movies making bad choices?