You Can Get Nutter Butter And Nilla Wafer Puddings Complete With Cookie Crumbles On Top
I have never in my life made banana pudding, you know the kind that was always at family get-togethers with the Nilla Wafers?
Well, you can now get Nilla Wafers with Banana Pudding in a cup all ready to go! They also have Nutter Butter cookies with Chocolate Pudding! YUM!

These magnificent creations are made by Raymundo’s! So each cup is filled with pudding, then the lid has pieces of crunchy goodness inside to mix in to the pudding!

The Banana Pudding Cup comes with the Nilla Wafer pieces! You’ll have the creamy pudding with the crunchy wafers and it will bring back a little from the past to mind!

The Chocolate Pudding Cup comes with Nutter Butter Cookie pieces! The same thing, stir it in for a creamy and crunchy combination. Peanut Butter and Chocolate, that could never go wrong!
They have been spotted at Stop & Shop and are also posted on Raymundo’s website. They have a retailer page that shows all of the stores that carry their products!

This was such a great idea! Super convenient as well! Single serving sizes that can be taken on the go to enjoy whenever you want! Which ones are you looking forward to trying first?
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