Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-09-27

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  • watching last season’s Grey’s Anatomy and I just remembered why I stopped… they’re always showing sick kids! #
  • RT @EgmontGal: join us now, chatting about children’s books#
  • Daughter: When my dog wears a collar he belongs to me. When I take it off he belongs to the world! #
  • Is there an iPhone app that let’s me list things on craigs list straight from my cell phone. #
  • I’m reading the funniest true story I’ve ever read. #
  • Is that Jamie bamber? Swoon! #dollhouse #
  • is quantum physics something really smart people do? #
  • There’s a lot more Hannah Montana in this Pandora station than I should admit. 🙂 #
  • RT @meganf: I am a cliche, but I now cannot imagine life without my iPhone. Sad. #
  • I don’t get to play NaNoWriMo this year… because I will be moving into my fabulous new house! Squee! #
  • So I’m digging the iPhone picture mail, except it’s kinda slow today. #
  • Oh, I just had to turn it off and then back on 🙂 #
  • lol I have no idea how to use the send pictures on my iphone… I’m a noob #
  • RT @bakersmark: You DM me to join your mafia wars, you get blocked. Sorry mom. #
  • Very excited about the prospect of spending the evening at sbucks with headphones in, writing! I need a geeky pandora station any recs? #
  • Woohoo! #wordathon I wrote 1200 words today! #
  • I should be writing, but then I noticed I’d accidentally TiVo’s My Big Fat Greek Wedding #awwww #
  • I just watched bowtie guy on So You Think You Can Dance and I cried a little @SuchAGirl #
  • RT @JasonAMyersTX: @elanaroth At the con I am going to invite you to for 2011, we will have free neck massages and cucumber eye treatments. #
  • Should I go to @condfw will it be fun? #
  • Every 100th tweet using the #jumpstart wins a The Very Hungry Caterpillar book. 500 winners! #
  • I have to take kiddo to gymnastics class in a few minutes, but really I just want to nap! #
  • Okay, I really WANT to buy this house–but the sellers are starting to stress me out. sigh. #
  • Why is it that every one of my pandora stations eventually turns into a show tune station? #
  • This agent’s use of pie charts makes me laugh with glee #
  • RT @robcrogers3: In defense of the (awesome) semicolon: #
  • RT @RachelleGardner: @RuthanneReid The em-dash is much more trendy. 🙂 Semi-colons are kinda like hoop skirts and smelling salts. #
  • WOW, people have VERY strong opinions both FOR and against the semi colon! ; #happypunctuationday #
  • Why does the semi-colon even exist? Isn’t it just a glorified period? #happypunctuationday #
  • I have a secret love for all things mob related #
  • I can’t stop dancing in my seat this morning #suchadork #
  • congrats to @elanaj for being inducted to @carrharr ‘s semi-secret order of the blog ninja! #IWillNotBeTooJealous #
  • fyi, tweeps @JasonAMyersTX is my fave person today, and if you don’t follow him-you should seriously get on it. #
  • Yawn. #
  • Oh #Glee I love you so. #
  • Watching the first episode of BONES for the season… man DAvid Boreanaz just gets hotter, doesn’t he? #
  • Is there new emoji kn my iPhone?  #
  • I’m such a sucker for a woot off #
  • Ohmigosh! #gno asked me to be a panelist next Tuesday! #
  • Yawn. Good morning all! #
  • Now, what I really want to know is where should we draw that line for the consequences? #
  • My little baby WIP is 6k, and I reached my 2k wordgoal for the day! #wordathon #
  • So, where should YA Authors Draw that consequential Line then? #
  • RT @RachelBateman: I posted my own thoughts on author responsibility at . #
  • Did that song just say “Do the Helen Keller”?!? I have got to start paying better attention to lyrics now that my kid repeats them. #
  • Have you watched phineas and Ferb? It doesn’t suck… #
  • My inbox. So quiet. #pullsonherbiggirlpantsandpracticespatience #
  • Is there such thing as an outdoor papasan chair? I think that would make me a very happy camper… #
  • RT @ElanaJ: Join the discussion on author responsibility. @Elanaj’s: @jamieharrington’s: #
  • I want one of those microwave thingies that you can make spaghetti in… do those still exist? #
  • RT @JasonAMyersTX: RT @jamieharrington: It’s jacket weather in Texas! Squee!<–and I’m wearing shorts!!! PUT ON PANTS! #
  • It’s jacket weather in Texas! Squee! #
  • Am I getting picture mail on my iPhone soon?> #
  • Hey YA writers, have you joined YARWA? I think I’m in lurve
  • RT @kierstenwhite: My three-year-old son just requested a vacuum shaped cake for his next birthday. #mykidiscrazyandawesome #
  • I LOVE that @elanaj and I posted about the EXACT same things on our blogs today with two different viewpoints! #
  • yup… that’s how sleepy I am this morning-I can’t even finish a full tweet. Sorry about that. #
  • *yawn* Tea #
  • Do YA Authors Have a Responsibility to Their Audience? #
  • Dear craigs list: If your item is more than a hundred dollars, please include a picture. #
  • I can’t decide if I should write or go read Splendor Falls – That book is yummy! #
  • Do YA Authors Have a Responsibility to Their Audience? #
  • OMG I love my query… and I am only on Chapter Three #suchadork #
  • Sometimes I get a random email from my old MySpace account, and every time I think, “Who the H still uses MySpace?” #
  • Is it wrong that I’m only 5k in to my WIP and I am itching to write the query? I feel like it might guide me lol #
  • Word up, gangstas–on my way to the daughter’s hip hop class #itsrealIswear #
  • Tonight’s new Big Bang Theory, right? #falltv #
  • I’ve had like five or six people ask me for this today, so here it is: #
  • Wow! My kid picked out berries, corn, vitamins, string cheese, organic cereal, bananas, popcorn, watermelon, milk- oh, and pop tarts! #
  • I think I’m going to let my kid pick the groceries this week. #lesswork #
  • If in my life I ever have the money to pay for a personal assistant, their job will be grocery shopping and cooking #IHateThemBoth #
  • Is that Tim Riggins dealing cards? (X-Men Origins) #
  • Watching Wolverine Origins- Hugh Jackman is. so. hot. #
  • I need someone to tell me that 23 days is not enough time to email for a status report on a full and to quit being ANTSY! #
  • I think that maybe @elanaj was a way better kid than I was in high school 🙂 #
  • What does a girl do on Sunday nights when there’s no True Blood to watch? #

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