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You Can Visit The Ruins of Presidents Park And It’s Super Eerie

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Somewhere out in a field in Virginia, there are 43 giant, crumbling, and decaying presidential heads and I want to go there! This is such an eerie sight that is just calling to me as a photographer!

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They sit in a field located in Croaker, Virginia. The presidential busts of past presidents stand anywhere from 18- 20 feet tall!


They are weathered and crumbling sitting out on Howard Hankins’ family farm. All of these were from Virginia’s Presidents park which was an open-air museum that was closed down in 2010.

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Hankins had help build the park and when it was time to close down he was asked to destroy the giant busts. He didn’t feel right about it, so instead he asked if he could move them to his family farm.

Each sculpture weighs between 11,000 and 20,000 pounds! It took an entire week to get them all moved and cost him $50,000 to do it. Sadly, the sculptures were damaged while moving them, but they still look so cool!

The farm isn’t open to the public, however, there are events that you can attend! In fact, there is one happening just in time for my birthday! I totally want to go!


John Plashal Photo is hosting an event there on November 27th-28th. You can get all of the information for the event and purchase tickets here. So cool!

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