This Woman Found A Large Black Bear Relaxing In Her Pool and It’s The Cutest Thing Ever
Let me set the scene for you.
It’s a hot summer day in July, like it is now and you just bought yourself an adult sized pool.

You’ve set the pool up and you’re ready to take a dip after you make your favorite morning smoothie, strawberry banana.

You’re ready to go, you’ve got your favorite book, sunscreen, towel and your smoothie in hand.
You open the backdoor and you immediately drop your blended fruit smoothie because you see A BLACK BEAR chilling in your NEW pool.

Not only are you completely flabbergasted that a wild bear is in your backyard, but it is currently crushing your newly bought pool.
Is this a fake story you might ask? The finer details are made up yes, however the part about the black bear taking a dip in someone’s pool is completely real!

Regina Keller was watering her flowers when she spotted a black male bear taking a nap in her kiddie pool last week!
Now if this was me, I would have been freaking out, but Ms. Keller has been taking photos of wildlife that wander into her backyard for 12 years now. So you could say she’s used to it.
Her remote home is near George Washington National Forest in Fort Valley, Virginia. She told CNN that this was the biggest bear she has seen this year.
Coincidentally, Ms. Keller recognized the bear and stated that she hasn’t seen the male bear in two years.
“He wandered around the backyard… and went over by the pool and dipped his big paw in the water… and then climbed right in and laid down. He seemed so content and refreshed,” she told CNN.
Regina Keller
Ms. Keller grabbed a chair and observed the bear as he took a nap in her pool.
The bear later left the scene when he heard sounds of her grandchildren and their dogs pulling up in the driveway.

“It was neat to see and neat that I had my camera with me to capture it,” she said.
Regina Keller
I’m not sure if I would have had the same calm reaction as Ms. Keller did, but it sure would be neat to see a black bear enjoying the pool in my backyard on a hot summer day!
Even the bear agrees, that it is just TOO HOT!