
Many People In California Were Just Ordered To Do Online School This Year

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California seems to be a little out of control in the coronavirus department.

According to Bloomberg, there have been 130 new deaths, and a 2.8% increase in the number of coronavirus cases.

If you want to be floored, that is about 10,000 new cases.

Because of the overwhelming amount of cases still occuring, the governor of California, Gavin Newsom, has said that the schools in the counties that are seeing the biggest numbers will not be able to physically open. They must go to online learning.

The virus will be with us for a year or more, and school districts must provide meaningful instruction in the midst of this pandemic. In California, health data will determine when a school can be physically open -– and when it must close –- but learning should never stop. Students, staff, and parents all prefer in-classroom instruction, but only if it can be done safely.

Gavin Newsom

So, while I’m over here struggling with the choice to send my kids to school, or have them do public-school driven remote learning, there are people in California who aren’t even being given a choice.

It is all remote learning, all the time — until their numbers improve.

Schools located in counties that are on the state’s virus monitoring list must not physically open for in-person instruction until their county has come off the list for 14 consecutive days.


There are 58 counties in California, and a WHOPPING 33 of those are on the monitoring list. That means well over half of the state will be required to use remote learning when schooltime rolls around in August.

So, you think YOU have it rough, at least many of us still have a choice. What are all the single parents going to do, who heavily rely on schools so they are able to work during the day?

While I am all for remote learning helping to keep the coronavirus germies at bay, I totally understand that there are some people who actually factually CAN’T keep their kids at home.

A lot of my teacher friends have kids of their own, and if they are forced to go into a classroom, that gives many of them no option but to also send their kids into school.

Which, if you have seen the CDC guidelines for opening schools, it looks pretty rough.

We got this, parents. It is going to be rough at times, and foreign to what we are used to, but we can do it.

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