Here Is How To Celebrate Christmas While Staying Safe This Year
Ah, 2020. Did you ever think, just one short year ago, that we’d be here now? Quarantining on all the major holidays, instead of being with our friends and family??

Now we are coming up on Christmas. MAN, wasn’t it JUST Thanksgiving?
We can still make Christmas fun, we just have to do it 2020 COVID style.

How do we do that, you ask? Read on, my friend.
How To Have A COVID Christmas, And Still Have A Good Time
Forget the ugly Christmas sweater — those are SO last year. Now we have Ugly Christmas Masks. I’m not joking. If you have to wear a mask — which you totally do — you may as well make it festive and fun!!

Do a sort of Ding Dong Run with your gifts. You can leave them at the door of your friend’s or relative’s house, ring the doorbell, and then step back an appropriate amount of feet. That way, you can still enjoy the gift giving, but practice safe COVID guidelines.

Also, it isn’t as much fun — like, at all — but you can always mail your gifts to friends and family via USPS. You have to make sure and wrap them in plain paper (you can have a decorated gift UNDER the plain paper), with no bows or doo-dads on top.
You also need to pay attention to dates at the post office, because you will want to make sure your packages get to the recipients before Christmas.

Plan a virtual meet with Santa Claus. You can do this via text message, or you can set up a Zoom meet. Either one would THRILL your kids, I have no doubt.

Enjoy a special Christmas movie at home as a family on Christmas Eve. We are doing this as a family this year. Each kid is getting their own “movie box,” complete with a drink, popcorn, and a yummy candy.
Of course, we are all going to dress in our Christmas jammies — because we can, and it’s more fun that way.

Host a Christmas Eve Zoom meetup with family and friends. You can set this up to stream on your TV, instead of your phone or computer. Everyone can dress in their Ugly Christmas Sweaters or Holiday Finest!! All that matters is that everyone gets to be “together.”

I was so dissapointed when they cancelled our yearly tradition of going to a field to look at Christmas lights, visiting a Christmas store on property, and roasting S’mores. This will be the first time in 15 years that we have missed the tradition.
Never fear. There may not be S’mores and stores, but you can gather your immediate family up in the car, and drive around to see lights in your neighborhood. It’s the next best thing!!

Don’t forget to decorate your house like the North Pole, itself. Make it totally fun and jolly this year. Put up that garland, hang those Christmas lights around the ceiling, put out a nativity scene or 2.
I know in MY house, it’s going to look like Christmas exploded in our front room, and we are going to like it!!

See, there are still plenty of ways to celebrate our quarantine Christmas. You just have to think a little outside of the box, and your season will be merry and bright!!