Cocoa Puffs Popcorn Exists Combining Sweet and Salty Flavors in One Snack Bag
Whoever was the first to combine sweet and salty set the tone for the snack industry.
Whether it’s salty fries dipped in a Wendy’s sweet chocolate Frosty or crunching on a salty cashew with a piece of dark chocolate, the two flavors go together like a sun setting on the horizon of bright blue waters.
Cocoa Puffs is the newest cereal to be turned into a salty snack bag, but it’s not the first time a famous kid’s cereal was turned into an afternoon bite.
Combining sweet and salty flavors in one dark brown packaged bag, this new sweet treat features Cocoa Puff pieces turned into popcorn bites with a cocoa glaze on every circular popped popcorn kernel.
Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs, try cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs popcorn instead!
You can find the new snack stocked on Walmart store shelves.