Dunkin’ Donuts Released Chocolates That Taste Just Like Their Coffee and I Need Them
I absolutely love Dunkin’ Donuts! I also happen to love chocolate and chocolate candy.
I especially love candies that are chocolate and coffee together! So when I heard that Dunkin’ Donuts took their signature coffee flavors and made them into candy I got more than a little excited!

They are called Dunkin’ Coffee Thins!
The Coffee Thins are squares of chocolate combined with Dunkin’ coffee beans!
Apparently these were out in 2014 and 2018 being tested in a few locations. Well, it may have taken them a while, but they are finally available for all of us to enjoy!

You can get them in the Original Blend or Caramel. Yes, they totally have caffeine in them, but not a ton!
So far they have been spotted at CVS and I will be heading out tomorrow to see if I can find any at our local store.
Don’t worry, I need to go anyhow, so it is an essential trip.
I really hope they come out with some other flavors as well! I guess when they had them out for a test run they had Peppermint Mocha and Pumpkin Spice as well. I can personally skip the Pumpkin Spice, but I am all about some Peppermint Mocha! The test run candy is shown below.
Man, I can’t wait until tomorrow! Which one do you want to try first? What flavors do you hope they add?