The Epic Giveaway of Epic Epicness

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We’re doing some super fun stuff this week!

And since it’s become a little tradition to make all our WriteOnCon announcements with a vlog, we couldn’t disappoint:

Just to recap (or for those of you who can’t watch the video cause you’re um…multi-tasking at work)—WriteOnCon will now be hosting monthly live events!!!!

I know–we’re just as excited as you are!

Each event will have a different topic and features—and possibly even a different night of the week, depending on the participants schedule, so we’ll be announcing each one as we arrange them. Be sure to mark your calendars for our first event, which is only two weeks away!

Monday, September 27th at 6:30 pm EDT

And will feature:

Jessica Sinsheimer of The Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency

Roseanne Wells of The Marianne Strong Literary Agency

Plus additional names to be announced!

So clear your schedules now guys. You don’t want to miss out.

But wait—there’s more!

We wanted to celebrate all this exciting news in the most epic way possible. And we knew that giveaways are always a popular way to go. So we reached out to The Elevensies, to see if any of them would be willing to donate an ARC or a critique for a contest prize, and OMG you guys. The response was overwhelming. So overwhelming that we had to create an entire event to give all the prizes away. (The generosity of the kidlit writing community never ceases to amaze us)

So make sure you come back tomorrow AND Wednesday, because WriteOnCon is hosting The Epic Giveaway of Epic Epicness!!!!!

New prizes will be posted live on a regular schedule over tomorrow and Wednesday, and everyone who comments on them has a chance to win. All the contest rules and deadlines will be explained in the posts.

AND–as if that weren’t enough–all of the founders will be hosting contests on our personal blogs as well. So if you aren’t following us already you might want to get on that so you don’t miss out. (And no, that’s not shameless self promotion–we have some really cool prizes. Okay, fine, maybe it’s a little shameless–but seriously, awesome prizes to be won!) Here’s some links if you want to check them out–giveaways start tomorrow:

Jamie Harrington

Elana Johnson

Casey McCormick

Shannon Messenger

Lisa and Laura Roecker

Jennifer Stayrook

And…I think that’s everything for today.

See you guys tomorrow for The Epic Giveaway of Epic Epicness!!! 🙂

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  1. So glad you’re going to do the monthly events. I think it will be awesome for us to stay connected. And thanks so much for doing it at night so those of us who work can participate.

  2. This is awesome, amazing, fantastic, rocking… Can’t find any adjective that really gets close to how much you’ve done for the whole kids lit comunity.
    Thanks! You rock!

  3. Great announcement, and can’t wait to enter your Epic Epicness Giveway (love that name!). It’s so great you’re keeping WriteOnCon going 🙂

  4. Yay! So happy to hear it!! I’ll be sure to blog about it. 🙂
    Thanks, ladies!

  5. You ladies are incredibly giving and incredibly motivated and incredibly INSANE. But hey, we benefit. So thanks!!!