Giving Up

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Last week I did an interview over at Elana Johnson’s blog, and one of her questions was how often have I wanted to give up. I was pretty honest and admitted that there have been more than one or two times along y little writerly journey that I’ve really just wanted to say screw it and give up.

But something stopped me. I love this writing thing, and let’s be real–nothing awesome ever happened to people who just gave up when things got hard.

So, the thing here is this: No one said getting published was going to be easy. In fact, pretty much everyone told me it would be one of the hardest things I ever did. And, when it gets a big difficult, I have to remember that.

And so should you.

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  1. Yeah, sometimes I want to quit and be like: Why do I put myself through this, let’s get a manicure and go home! But then my awesome writerly-friends like @jmartinlibrary and @jamieharrington and @rclementmoore (and Ms. Candy Havens, too, but I seem to have misplaced her twitter name) pick me up and make me feel like I just might be worthy again. Thank bob for friends.
    .-= Chantal Kirkland´s last blog ..Red Love and Some =-.

  2. I feel like I just got Rick Rolled. LOL!

    Seriously, I totally relate to this post. It’s why I treasure all of my writing buddies to help keep me motivated and visa versa. 😀

  3. Pardon me for a moment while I think dreamy thoughts about Rick Astley…

    When I blogged several weeks ago about my exceedingly long and bumpy path to publication, I thought people would find it depressing and discouraging. As it turned out, it’s one of the most popular blog posts I’ve written. I think people like hearing that “real” side of the biz. The fact that it DOES suck lots of times and that it DOESN’T come easy for plenty of us, but that we still stick it out for one reason or another.

    Love the blog!
    .-= Tawna Fenske´s last blog ..Note to self: write better notes to self =-.

  4. This post makes me every happy. You know why. ; )

    That is all.

  5. OMG – how long as it been since I saw/heard Rick Astley? Wow. Thanks for the flashback.

    And the pep talk. 🙂
    .-= Jamie (@JamieDeBree)´s last blog ..Writer, Brand Thyself: Facing Facebook Part 1 – Using Friend Lists =-.