Mini-Excerpt Time!
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It’s Friday, and I have moved in with my Revisions. At first things were tough, and I considered breaking up–but now we’re getting along swimmingly, but blog friends– our relationship is new and at times I have to pick Revisions over you.
That’s not acceptable, you say?
I can respect that. What if I tide you over with a mini excerpt from Sketch?
I shook my head. “Just really hate dentists.” And gloomy predictions of the future.
Good luck with the revisions!
.-= ElanaJ´s last blog ..It Takes Practice =-.
comment for a test…
and yes, please re: excerpt =)
.-= eden tyler´s last blog ..links. =-.
We still luv ya even if you
pick revisions 🙂 I’m picking revisions myself now too. Keep going!!!