Here’s How To Order The Hogwarts House Frappuccinos From Starbucks
If you are a fan of Harry Potter at all, chances are, you know what your Hogwarts House is. I am a Slytherin and darn proud of it!

So it was only right that we create a drink to celebrate each of the Hogwarts Houses and bring them to you!
Let’s start with Gryffindor. Not because they’re my favorite, but because they seem to be everyone elses. Sure, Harry Potter was Gryffindor but that’s only because he chose to be. He was meant to be Slytherin. Imagine what the story would have been like then…
But back to the drink. It’s red and yellow, and some would say you have to have bravery to try it…you can be the judge of that yourself. Click this link below for the recipe of this drink!

Next up, the most lovable Hogwarts House, Hufflepuff. They’re cute, they’re cuddly, they’re Slytherin’s besties. It’s hard not to love a Hufflepuff!
Hufflepuff is known for their loyalty. You definitely want to have a Hufflepuff friend on your side! This drink is a wonderful yellow and black color to represent the house and it is one you definitely need to try!

Now on to my favorite Hogwarts House. The one I belong to. The highly misunderstood one. Yes, Slytherin. We’re cunning, we have street smarts. We have the classic RBF going on. We seem scary upfront, but once you get to know us, we’re really all softies. Take Snape for instance.
This drink is quite cunning as well. The black and green is a beautiful blend, but the striking surprise peppermint taste shows the Slytherin within the drink!

And finally, our little lovable braniacs, Ravenclaw. My husband is a Ravenclaw and is obsessed with his library and books. Book shopping is our favorite date night. He’s a writer and wants to be a professor. He fits the description quite well.
Now, before you get angry, there is NO way to make a blue Frappuccino at Starbucks. Soooo, it’s more of a purple color, but I gave it specks to represent the starry sky of the Ravenclaw Common Room. And it has fruit in it. I hear it’s good for the brain.

There you have it! Whether you are looking for your Hogwarts House or want to try all four, this is the place to grab them! And be sure to keep your eye out for our other Harry Potter themed drinks!