This Hotel Wrapping Party Hack Takes The Stress Out of Wrapping Christmas Gifts
I was just sitting here thinking, I need to wrap all these gifts that are sitting in my closet…
But, you know, there’s too much adulting going on around me, and I’m drowning in obligations.

The minute I start wrapping, I’ll start thinking about the dishes in the sink, the clothes that need to be folded, the bathroom that needs to be swept — and don’t even get me started on the 3,249 Christmas cards I need to address and mail.
Not to mention, there will be kids at my door every 3.2 seconds trying to peek at the goodies, the very ones I’m trying to disguise in festive wrapping paper.

There has to be a better way.
Thanks to TikTok, I found a solution to the problem!!

Why not gather up all these gifts, grab my besties and a few thousand rolls of wrapping paper, maybe a bottle of a jolly adult holiday beverage, and take a little hotel wrapping party vacay?!?
I’m not talking about a week in a hotel — although that would be so fantastic right about now.

I mean one night. One night to just watch a little holiday magic on the television, surround myself in tape and wrapping paper, and knock out all these gifts in one go.
The hubs can hold down the fort for 24 hours…I think.
Sure, those dishes, laundry, and bathroom mess will be there when I get home, but I won’t be thinking about them and feeling the guilt while I try to tackle this mountain of gifts.

How To Have A Hotel Christmas Wrapping Party
No. You don’t have to choose a hotel that’s in another town, 3 hours away.
There are plenty of comfortable rooms that are perfectly suited for all your gift wrapping needs right in your own city!
Get on your computer, and book that baby!
If you grab two friends, and split the cost, it won’t even be that expensive — it will be so worth it!!
First things first. You have to set boundaries. No running home every five minutes to do things like make dinner and put the kids to bed.
You can do this! Be strong.
Now, pick a spot in the room and put your gifts into piles — stockings, gifts for your daughter, gifts for your son, gifts for the husband, gifts from Santa, etc.
Make sure you have everything right at your fingertips — wrapping paper, tape, Christmas labels, scissors, a pen, a drink, the TV remote.
Now, sit your butt down, and plan on not moving for a couple hours.
Your sole mission in life is to get those gifts wrapped.
Want to make things interesting?
Decide on a specific wrapping paper for each person. Don’t do Christmas labels. Make it a surprise as to which gifts are for which person! It will keep the kids from trying to peek at their gifts.

Make sure you have a little fun.
This is your gift wrapping holiday with your friends! Enjoy it!!