
Kim Kardashian Explained Why She Threw Her Phone in the Ocean and It Is Wild

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Kim Kardashian did something recently that most would find completely insane!

Courtesy of @kimkardashian

Remember when Kim K lost her diamond earring in the ocean seasons ago?

Courtesy of @kimkardashian

You know the scene, the famous memory that made the reality star into a popular meme while she’s crying and simultaneously looking for her earring.

Courtesy of @kimkardashian

Well her recent trip to the Bahamas is basically round two of that day.

Courtesy of @kimkardashian

Kim recently decided to “pick up old habits” and throw her phone into the ocean rather than silencing it, except this time, it was intentional, unlike the diamond earring according to Vogue.

I mean do not disturb would have worked too, but I guess completely submerging your phone in salt water definitely cuts communication lines?

Courtesy of @kimkardashian

She explained why she threw her phone in an interview with Vogue and her reasoning will catch you a little, okay, maybe a lot off guard.

Courtesy of @kimkardashian

“I was in the Bahamas, and the people I was with said, ‘We’re on f***ing vacation. We haven’t been on vacation in a long time.’ And then they threw their phones in the ocean. I was like, ‘What? What? What? Am I allowed to do that?’, said Kim Kardashian to Vogue.”

Kim Kardashian
Courtesy of @kimkardashian

After throwing her phone in the ocean leaving friends and family lost at sea, she later changed her phone number due to guiltily feelings from not responding to her messages.

Courtesy of @kimkardashian

One entire new phone later and still no diamond earring.

Courtesy of @kimkardashian

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